353 E Dark Hollow Rd Pipersville PA in Tinicum Township Sunday Worship 9:30 am
SUNDAY'S BULLETINS are sponsored by Connie Kallenbach to the Glory of God.
THE SEPTEMBER WEB SITE is sponsored by Susan Bechtold in Memory of Loved Ones.
Penn DoT is currently worrking on the lower end of E. Dark Hollow through October. However the road is open to the church from 611.
Our Staff
Who we are, and what we believe...
Pastor Marie Caron, "Pastor C", was called to serve Christ Church in 1998. Her call was first nurtured in a diverse urban parish and mentored in a suburban congregation with a deep love of worship.
Church and faith have always been a part of her life, even during a time of searching when, as she puts it, 'God and I weren't on speaking terms". God used that time to bring her to better place spiritually. She also learned 'God has a sense of humor - be careful what you pray for!' Pastor C. is a New Jersey native who came to Pennsylvania for graduate school in Philadelphia and found a home here. She served several congregations in Philly, its suburbs and the Wilkes Barre area during seminary and her first call before coming to Christ Church. She loves the sense of welcome and family here, and our commitment to being a 'general practice' ministry, a place that meets you where you are.
Active in the community she volunteers as a chaplain for Doylestown Health/Hospital and serves on its Pastoral Care Board. Over the course of her ministry she's served on several synodical Boards and Committees, and is currently acting chair of the Tinicum Health Ministry.
Cindy Carper, Parish Secretary
Cindy is the hub of our mission and ministry, staffing the church office four days a week. She's a life long member of Christ, Pipersville, teaches Sunday School and occasionally joins the ensemble on piano.
Mary Hurley,
Tinicum Health Ministry Nurse
The Tinicum Health Ministry has served central Bucks since 1999 at no cost to our clients.
THMP is an independently organized parish nurse program founded to provide a parish nurse to the community.
Currently all care and support is being done remotely. Please call the church office (215. 766. 8730) or email (christpipersville@gmail.com) to arrange a virtual visit or support.
Who are we? We're a gathering of cradle Christians, working-on-it Christians, seeking but not quite yet Christian. We're your neighbors, maybe even your co-workers or classmates. We're young and not-so-young, here five generations and five minutes, building-nesters and empty-nesters. We're part of the Lutheran branch of the Christian family tree.
Christ Church has deep roots in Bucks County. Founded before the Revolutionary War, we met in homes, barns and farm fields and were served by pastors who traveled from place to place. In the late 1750s Johann Wolfe Lizel, an independent Lutheran pastor from Nuremberg, recorded the first baptisms. By 1760 the informal gatherings for worship, baptisms and other rites became a congregation, served by Pastor Liezel and other Lutheran clergy.
Christ Church's deep roots supported our growth as a congregation of immigrant families to a family of faith that welcomed and gathered and served our community.
We've had at least three buildings, maybe four, and each one has housed a congregation that served through aid societies, support for local children's charities, food assistance, and fellowship groups. The names we called these ministries may have changed but the mission was the same: love one another.
While the current pandemic has changed and challenged how we do ministry together, it hasn't stopped us. Snail mail to social media to Zoom, Duo and land-line calls help us keep in touch, gather for worship, prayer, fellowship and growth.